Worthington Hills is wonderful community located in northern Franklin County. With more than 1100 homes, Worthington Hills is a family neighborhood with great community spirit. The neighborhood is situated around the Worthington Hills Country Club and has been a sound investment for homeowners for over 50 years. Mature trees, large lots and diverse home styles attract first-time home buyers as well as third generation residents. The elementary school is located within the neighborhood and is an intricate part of our community.
The Worthington Hills Civic Association is a voluntary association, run by residents who donate their time. Our mission is to develop and promote community pride, enhance the quality of life for residents, and represent the membership. We work hard to inform residents of current issues and provide services and programs for members.
WHCA has the responsibility of the maintenance of our entrance and boulevards. This includes mowing, landscaping, beautification, annual flowers and holiday lights. We also provide many other events and services during the year: entrance flag, scholarships, spring garage sale, neighborhood scavenger hunts, participating in the 4th of July celebrations, fall concert, holiday carriage ride, New Year’s Day walk.
Because we are not a deeded “homeowners association”, participation in WHCA is voluntary. We look forward to your support by becoming a member. Very few other communities offer the programs, events and services found here in Worthington Hills. Your membership in the Worthington Hills Civic Association is a sound investment in your home and community. We encourage all residents to join and share your ideas and enthusiasm.
The Worthington Hills Civic Association is an all-volunteer association run by elected residents. Directors are elected for two year terms. The Board of Directors then nominates and elects officers for the coming year. Board meetings are generally held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Worthington Hills Country Club. Meetings are open. Residents wishing to address the Board should contact the president to be placed on the agenda.
Volunteers are always welcome for our many activities and committees.
- Develop and Promote Community Pride
- Enhance the Quality of Life for the Residents of Worthington Hills
- Represent the Membership
Officers, Directors & Committee Chairs
Current officers, directors & committee chairs are listed on the Contact Us page.
WHCA meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month. All meetings are held at the Worthington Hills Country Club (WHCC) at 7:00 pm with the exception of the January meeting, which is held at another location (usually Perry Township offices or the Rusty Bucket), and the July meeting (no meeting in July).
Click here to access a copy of the WHCA by-laws.
Exhibit A – Boundary Map
Click here to access the meeting minutes archive.
Click here to access the budget for the year.
Tax Information
Click here to access a copy of WHCA’s IRS 990 document.
Community Organizations & Partners
Worthington Hills Country Club